Monday, February 2, 2009

Steelers Cake!

The Steelers won the 43rd SuperBowl. The only team to win the SuperBowl for the 6th time!!! The fact that Pittsburgh was in the SuperBowl was reason enough to make the cake. We were going to watch the match together, so might as well make something to eat :) As it turns out, the match as well as the cake were yummy :D

Chocolate vodka Cake


1 pkt yellow cake mix or butter cake mix (without pudding)
2 pkts chocolate pudding
4 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup kalhua liqeour
1/4 cup vodka
3/4 cup water
1/2 stick butter or 1 cup oil (if its butter cake, use butter)


1. Mix all the ingredients above and pour the mixture is a greased tray.
2. Bake the cake is a preheated oven at 350 deg for 1 hr. It is advisable to keep checking every 15-20 minutes, just to make sure you don't burn the cake.
3. When done, let is cool for 15 minutes.
4. Remove on a plate and decorate with icing of your choice! Icing can also be made from Kalhua and sugar.

This is a little adapted recipe from an online recipe. But the cake turns out to be extremely soft and creamy. The proportions of eggs etc might change as per the instructions on the cake mix pkt.

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